Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

34 Ihr souks efe£huall calling toChriti. that the foule humbled returnesanfwer toGods call. r: In the firíf obferve two paffages: Firff, the meanes whereby God will call the finner unto him; 'the firmer is afraid to appeare beforeGod whom he hath offended, and may therefore pro- ceed in jultice againft himfor thole Genes which havebeenecommittedby him. Nowbefides the Lawwhich difcoversa mans finne unto him, hee now prepares another meanes, the voice of his Gofpell ; lice lets inmany fweet inklings into the foule, of his loveand kindncffe toallure him, to call him,anddraw him tohimfelfe. 2. Secondly, the Lord dock not onely appoint the meanes, namely, theminifl;ery ofhis Gofpel, whereby the foule maybebrought untohim,and receive communion with him ; but by the worke ofhis Spirit hee doth bring all the riches of his grace into the foule truly humbled, fo that the heart 'cannot but receive the fame, and give an- fwer thereto, and give an ecchoofthe fubjeCtion ofit felfe to be governed thereby : that wee have finifhed already. Theremutt bee hearingbefore comming ; not ofthe Law, to terrifie aman; but ofthe Gofpell, to perlwade and allure a man to come unto theLord,and receive mercy and kind- neffe fromhim. TheGofpell is themeanesordai- nedbyGod tocall home the foWleuntohim. But thiswill not doe the deed ; there matt be tome- ! 'Í thing elfe, or the tannerwill beat aftand,andcan- notcome on cheerfully, and receive the.çraceof fered him; therefore befides the merges, wee have