Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

8 6 The Soules ei`fecamall calling toChriff. but theythall be taught, they thall have their left fonwithoutbooke, they fhall bemade to learne; and therefore the tenor of the covenant is this : t will writemyLaw in their inwardparts,and theyfhall all 4now meefrom the higbeii. to the leaf : obferve the 2 Pet. r. 3. it is a placeof marvellous difficul- tie,(this I take tobe the meaning) thereis enough to fatisfie anyman,according to his divine power, he hath given untous all things, that is, the Lord by his almighty divine power, hath given unto. us all things, either appertaining to thisprefent life here,oreternall life hereafter. But how comes this to patl'ethat Goddodo this ? the Text faith, it it through knowledge of him, that hashcalledme to glory and venue ; the word in the originall is, through their acknowledgement ofhim that hath called to. The fouledoth not onelybarely know, that this is graceand mercy in Chri Lf; the eyeof the underfianding is not onlyopened, but hee now comes toacknowledge the fame, and fubfcribe th thereby thereunto :God faith, Igillfave thyfade, IwillbethyGod; the foule faith, It is true,Lord, I will deny it no more, I will gain-fay it no longer. In a word then, gather up the point, ifit be fo, that the Spirit,by the witnefre thereof,dothdifco- ver the intereff wehave in grace, if it Both ratifie the interefl wch it loth difcover ; nay,if it makes the judgement yeeld to what it hath ratified, it certifies effe&ually and undenialy the truths of grace and mercy thus prepared and ratified to the foule, and the foule faith, I confeffe it Lord, and clofeth therewith. Why,