e 6 The 5"ouled e, ffrRsr.rnll calling toChrift. his wits end at every turne, and knowes not which way to (hilt for himfelfe, and have no bread in his houfe, I meare noprovifìon ofpro. mites by him : Ifay 42. 23. whofo if Wife, let him Bearefor after tunes as if bee had laid, You muff not only lay in promifes jiift for theprefer; but ftore ftem forafterwards as theChapman faith, I fhall want this at filch a time : and fo the huf- bandrnan faith, I (hall have occafon for this or that at fuch a time, and therefore they get afore - hand : O that God wouldgive us there hearts, it is good (as we may fo fay) tokeepepromifesin pickle, that wee may fpend them at leafure : I Kings 17. 6, 7, 8, 9. Iezebel had threatned to kill Eliah, but Theemiff of her worke,for theewas thineher felfe, and he went to heaven, and never died at all : the text faith, Hee went and hidhim_ felfe by the brokeKeritb,andwhen allviElualsfailed, the ravens brought him bread and fefh in the mor- ning, andbread andfieTh in the evening ; and when all that failed too, the LordPaid unto him, Arife, get thee toSareptha, Ihave commanded a Widow there to,Maine thee : 1 King. 18.4. Obadiah hida hun- dredofthe Prophet, of the Lord, by lifties in a cave, andfed themwith bread and water: and in another place the text faith, In the day, offamine thou (halt have enough : thefe precious promifes will be good meat in Lent, when haply thou (halt fit under anhollow tree, and creep among thebufhes, then three or foureofthere promifes will give a man a good meale of comfort, -therefore fore them up, for they will doe you no harme; and when