T'he soules effeEivaQcalling to Chrift. 627 when you are driven from houle, and friends, and all,andGod takes away theGofpell from us, ( which God ofhis mercyprevent, and give us &mtn. hearts to fpeake tohim, that he mayprevent it) onely your wifdome will be this, toget all pro - mifes for thisanda better life; for the getting of grace, and the preferving ingrace, and not only topray bya promife, but to live by apromife, and trade by it, and ro enjoy all that you have by a promife,if youwill have comfort in ir, therefore be lurethat you fort the promi'es aright ; every promife is not for every purpofe, but each pro- mife fuits for each occafion, and therefore fuit them all : imagine a man wants comfort and ftrength againfi linne, why, then that promife will not fit them ,wherein the Lord faith, Hee will be with them in fix troubles, and deliver them in fe- ven; thars for a temporal! deliverance, he doth not want that,but power again(} his corruptions. Againe, ifa man feare that he (hall not hold out in perfeverance; now that promife dothnot fit, wherein the Lord faith, Flee will pardon all hú knnes, andcaff them all ay a milftane into the bottome of thefea; this is not for perfeverance in grace, ifthou feekeft for fuccour there, thy hand is in the. wrong box ; but that promife is for this pur- pofe, wherein God faith, I will knit them to mee with an everlafting love; and I will write my lames in their inwardparts, that they (hall sever depart from me any more. So there are promifes forde- liverances in trouble, and forcomfort in af lifti- on,and in aword, Gods infinite freegrace is fcat- tered