Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

62t The soulet effeFluall calling to Chrifl. 3.Rule. To layup the promifes._ tered in fomany promifes, according to fomany neceflities and feverall occafions, that is, all hea- ling and Jivingvenue is in God, fohe difpenferh it to fo many drops and feverall promifes; there- fore we muff doe with thepromifes, as the Apo- thecarie lothwithhis drugs, he puts B°zur ffone intoone,and Studdine, that ifthe body be weake and low, thenyour Bezar Bone is good for him, and fo for the rail ; fo that as the Apothecary bath all drugs, fo hebath forted themall : fodeale you with the promife and word, have the. com- mand ofGod to owne thee, and the promifeof God to comfort thee ; and that thou mail} fit thine owne foule,let it be a fuitable promife: fup- pofe thou findefl thy heart proudand fiubborne, then thou miff not looke upon mercy andpar- don,but looke upon the jufliceofGod ; and how bee lookes upon the proud afarre off, bee gives grace to the humble,but refifleth theproud; here is fluddy for thee, topull dowtße thyproud heart 5 and when thou findeft thy heart full ofvenoone and malice againfl the Miniflers of God, now that Bezars filone dothnot fir thee, therefore ap- ply this, Hee thathates his bother i12 bid heart, sd a man - layer, and no moan flafer fhall enter into the kingdome ofGod : and he that hates his brother is a chilleof theDevil!: thefe are vomits that fit thee. Laflly, wemull lay them up, thatwe may have them at hand, bring your provifion home, and leave it not in themarket; it is a folly for a.man to fay, I have as good provision as can bee, but I have it not Lere : Colof. 3.16. Let the Word et God dweld