Thesonici efdirsafl calling to Chrìít. 629 ¿lwell'in youplenteoufly, a%d richly in all irifdnme; Firft, obferve the plenty ofour provifion, it mutt notbe fcantie, but richly and wifely, and it muft dwell in you that youmay but ftepafide,andhave it.Nowyou have the matter for yourfait htowork upon. Secondly, weare to fit faith for thefervice that it mayfuceedwith more comfort and bet- ter fpeed, for though a man be a beleever, yet there is a great deale of dulneffeand bluntne ale comes upon this grace, though he have it ; Lake 24. a i. fee howour Saviour chides his Difciples, faying, O fides-, flow and dull of heart to beletve, &c. fo weeought towhet our faith, that itmay line and íquare the promifes (as it is in theHe- brew ) that it maypierce through the vale ofall the riches of the frceneffe of Godsgrace, and fo bringcomfort to us. It is withthehand of faith, as it is with the hand of the body ; fomctimes though the thing be neare one,thathemay reach ir,and the hand bath life, yet ifit bee nummed, and ftiffe, and frozen, a man .muff warme it .and rub ir, before hee can lay hold upon, and rake the thing,and doethe worke inhalad : fo it is with the handof faith, for faith is the hand of the foule, it takes hold of that mercy and comfort, which God hdth prepared for us in ChriftJefus ; now that faith is nummed and fife through carelef neffe and loofenefíe : therefore it is not enough for a man tohave faith, but he mutt ,fupple and oile the finewesoffaith,that he may-catch more fpeedily at thepromifeof life, and receivecorn Fort fret-whence. Lill Now.