Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

6-3o Themules catlingto Chriíf. 2.partica.` Now for the fettingof our faith, to be limber and qui. k,there are three rules tobe obferved : t,Rul . pirfl, wee muff main taine the evidenceof this How tomake graceof faith oncegotten, without teftion, un- faihl,mber. deniable, without controlement : I fa y, faith once gotten, (marke it, I fpeak not nowofthofe that have nor faith, it is in vaine tobid a man live by faith who bath no faith, but it is for thofe, in whole hearts Godbath beene pleafed to worke this .ble fledgrace offaith) this milli be the care of every man that bath gotten faith, bee muff know the nature of faith in generali, and ofhis faitla in particular, whether his faith bee of the right Ramp, andwill Eland him in ftead in the dayofaccompt, and whether it be of that faith, which Peter fpeaksof ( for there is agreatdeale ofcopper faith in the world) as, that retiii Christ came into the world to fave (inners, and the like : now when thou haft gained evidence, that thou haft faith, then fill it up, andkeep itby thee, and labour to have ¿he demonftration of this worke fo plaine in thy foule, that it may be pall deniall: What a marvdlous folly is it for a man toque- ftion, . when bee Ihould ufe it ? the worke mutt needs be marvelloufly hindred, though he have never fo much faith, when bee begins to quill with ir, and to queftion whither it beegood or nu; ir is a proverbiall fpeech,flee that doubts of hisway,miifethof his way,for while he is doub- ting, bee goes noway in conclufion : fo bee that loth goeftion, whether hebath faith or no, and therefore gets little goodby it : tella poore firmer of