Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSouks effeEtuadlcalingroEhrifl. 631 ofliving by faith, andhe Caith, it is food newes, if I had it : it is poorecomfort to bid áman to goe warmehim, whenbeebath no fire towarme himby; and fo it is a poore comfort,tobid a man live by faith, whenbee never had any faith : the guar relling anddoubting,when a man bath it, it wholly hinders the ufe and benefit of faith, that wouldcome to us : as it is with a man that bath a faire eflate, and bath land worth fo many hun- dreds a ycare, all the whilehis lands are inquelli- on and controverfie, hee lives exceeding poore, and fcarce makes fo many 4cores a veare g where- as if his lands were fettled tohim, bee might fei many hundreds : fo it is here, every poorefaith- full:otile,is borne to a faireelate, and bath rich promifes,andwhile he isyet in the law,and makes quellion of Ills faith,the truth is,the promifes lye by, and hee daresnotmeddle with tliem,and hee fufpeás, whetherhee may vErntureupon them or no,and thereafon is, hee is goarrellingwith, and doubtingofhisrfa th, when hee 4iculd live by it : Match. 24. 29, 3o, 3E. when the Difciples fawn Jefas walking on the fea, they thought it was a Spirit,but Jefuslaid unto them,Be of goodcomforr, it is I ; nowwhen Peter Is new it was our Saviour, he being fbmewhat tooventerous, he faid,¡fit be thouLord, bid mee come unto thee on the water ; and Cbri tfaid,Come; and Peter going, the waters be- gan tot be fomething boifterous, his heart began to fink ,_Stc i andChriil laidunto him, o thouof littlefaitb, nhy deeft thou doubt? as ifhe had faid~, It is now notime ofdoubting, but a time of be. I, l i I a leeving,