The Souks e`eF`uallcadini roghrif{. 633 put forth the power of his faith, as if he had no faith at all : as fore that are melancholy, they thinke they cannot fpeake nor goe ; this bath made men not to fpeake for many yeares toge- ther,though theycan and d®e fpeake to this day : therefore for the eonclufionof this firft rule, goe then to God,and tohis Word,and to thine owne heart, and to the Minifters ofhis Word, and ad- vice wifely and jadiciouflyof thine eftate, and la- bour to fee found evidences oftheworke ofgrace in thy foule, and fee them every day, and read them everymorning,noone, andevening, andget them by thee,and learne themby faith,that when thou commeu to improve thy faith, thou maift not queflicn whether thou haft it or not.; and if thou wilt notbe perfwaded, yet looke to the pro- mire ; but ifthydoubtingcomes 11111 upon thee, and controverfie f}í11 oppreffeth thee, and is fee on foot againft thee, thenreafon thuswith thine owne foule, If I havenot faith nor grace, I am fare I (hall never get it by looking upon mine owne corruptions and diftempers : where muff I have it,if I wantit ? the promife only mutt doe it,therefore looke you to that : It is with a doub- ting man, aswitha man that is melancholy, if he wouldbut fet up©n theworke, he fhould fee his owne folly ; and by going, he wouldbeable to goe ; andby fpeaking,he would be able to fpeak : fo this vaine difmaiedneffe ofheart, and thefe difcouragements ofadoubting foule, doth more hinder the worke of faith, than any diftemper elfe ; therefore when thy feares and difcourage- L 111 3 merits