6 34 The souks efeEtuaUcallingtoChrift. merits come in upon thee, goe thou to the pro mife,and ingoing thouwiltbe able togoe. Now faith is whetted, the fhield offaith fcoured, and it is fitted, that aman may improve it in forcemea- fure tohis good. 2. Rule. Secondly, when thouhaft thus maintained the How to carry clearneffeofthe worke of grace before gained, our hearts for then labour to bring thy heart to a marvellous the keepins of y faith. ftilneffe and calmneffe from time to time, that you may give way to faith, and that faith may have its full fcope to frame thy heart ; it is a point of great experience that wee have had, as the chafing away of doubting, fcoures the worke of faith fo a ftaiednef 'e and ftilneffe of foule, frames theheart tohold the fhield fteedi- ly : a man muff not only fcoure and furbufe the fhield,bur hold it foas he may defend himfelfe fo then firlt themaintenance of the evidence of faith, and the calmneffe and flaiedneffeof heart, makes a man hold the fhieldfteedily,andbear the blow comfortably when it comes: thofeboile- rous affelions, thofe crowdsand troops oftrou- blefome imaginations, as feare, and jealoufie, and fuperftition, thefe doe unranke theframe of the foule, that the foule is not at the command of faith : as it is in an armie, when it is unranked, though the commander bee never fo wife and skilful!, yet no mancan march on : fo thoughwee had never filch fo vifrorious a faith, yet if the foule were hurried up anddowne with thofe boi- fterons diftempers, the foule couldnot command faith : Luke 24.41. when it was told the Difciples that