Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

Thesoulerefeituallcalling toChrift. 635 that Chrift was rifen from the dead, and had ma- nifeftedhimfelfe to them, the text faith, They be- leevad not, and wondred ; they wouldnot beleeve for the while, and it was through theviolence of their joy,whichmade them, that they hadno lea- lure to ixleeve : as it is true of immoderate affe- &ion, tò it is trueof ftrange feare, and care, and diftemper, becaufe thete hurrie the foule fo vio. lently, and tranfporc the fouleof aman ,that bee cannot beleeve : as it is_in a crowd or tumult, the travellour is fittedto goe on his journey, but the crowd is fo ftroug, that theycroflchim, and op- pofehim in the way;and overturns him and over power him, and fo makehim goe another way; the fault wasnot, becaufe hee would not, or was notable to goe,but becaufe they did oppofe him, and hinder him : juft fo it is with a foule thus troubled with tumultuous thoughts, efpecially melancholy, and thofe enemies, of vaine imagi- nations of feares, and forrow, and diftempered thoughts andcares, that though the heart is wil- ling and able to beleeve, yet thofe ftirrings of boifterous affe&ions , they crofí'e faith in the way andLuredowre faith,that it cannot goe on in theway of the promife towards God, nor re- ceive helpe from him : pal, .3.5. there David chides his owneheart, and rockes it afleep, and would bring it quiet, Paying, oily art thou fo quieted, oh myJoule ? and why art thou difquieted within me ? this fignifies, to lay a man flat ;aeon his back ; againe, rohy art thou fo tumultuoufly i troubled ? this is taken from awave n the fea,that is