The Soule r efeStnailcalling to Chrift. 87 Why, may force fay, if this bee fo, how then gyejg. comes it topaffe, that many of Gods deare chil- dren, how comes it, that manyhumble hearted creatures never knew theywerecalled, never had any fpeciall intimationof Gods favour,they can- not fay intruth, they are the Lords. I fpeake of him that hath had the work ofpre. paration fully and fubftantially upon his foule, I fpeake this,that no fcramblinghypocrite,nor fin- full wretch, may come and fcramble forcom`orr., and fogoeaway anddeceive himfelfe in thiskind, know therefore, for anfwer thereunto; There is adouble knowledge, the firfl is this : A naked Pimple apprehendon ofa truth , a meere cloture of a mans minds, with a naked plaine truth revealed, fo that the judgement faith it is fo. Secondly, there is a reflefting aE whena man lookes over his underftanding,and labours to dif- cerne the worke thereof, not only apprehending what was laid before him, but when he doth ap- prehend that he clothapprchend,whon he knowes that he doth know it, marke that place, for wee will carry Scripture withus, i Ioh.x.3. Hereby we know, that we knowhim, faith the Text,ifwee keepe his Commandement,. A man may know a thing, and yet not know that he dothknow : fo then it is cleare, every Saint of God bath the firft know- ledge, that is, every man that is truly called in truth, doth apprehend , and undoubtedly clofe with theworke ofthe Spirir,makíng.knowneun- tahim themercie ofChrift; many may worke, M2 and