63 6 TheSeulet eeáuallcalliut to Chritta is carried up and downe : there are three things in this text fitting for our pnrpofe : pirft, that a tumultuous difiemper ofheart, makes a man lye flatupon his back, and finke in. to afwound.- Sccondly,it hinders theworkoffaith; marke what followes, stilltruji in cod ; as if he had faid, leave thofediftempersof heart; and reft:upon the reeneffeofGods grace. Thirdly, David chides his owne heart, and brings it into,a calmncfie and fl:ilnefie,he rockshis heart,and quiets it; as ifhe laid, fiiil locke up to God, and wait upon him for mercie, for he isyet myGod. Thevertue of this rule we finde in ex- períence,efpecially in melancholy perfons,when they have fwarmes of thoughts buzzing in their mindes,fometimes ref1leffefeares that doe chafe their hearts, as the hound doth the Deere in the forreff, and after this comes another añc&ion, and after that another, .and fo at lati they come altogether : fometirnes the horrour of a mans confciettce, makes hue and cry after him; and makeshim fay, Oh howmyheart finites me l me thought,Ifaw hell gapingfor me, and the Devils even ftadding at my elbcw, ready tohurry mee downe to everlaffing deftruetion,, this makes his foule tohave fuch anarnazernent,and gaf eyries of fpirit, -that hecannot reach the promife ofGod, becaufeofthofe diftempers : therefore labour for that which the Lord himfelfe advifeth by his Prophet, Fear?you not butffandflill, andbehold the ,dal ,ation theLord, that is, lay afide thofe reff- lefïe