71Ls soaks effeduaffsalling ta Chrift. 637 leíí'e imaginations, and thole crowds of foolifh conceits,and thofe needleffe feares;ftand (till and beqpiet, that is, with the eye of faith behold the falvationof God, and looke upon, his promifes. Thatyour faith may bee fitted for the worke 3,Rule. take notice of this, in the want ofany means doe How faithmay iec not firft feeke for them, and in the prefince of be worfiúctte. d forr any means God affords, looke not firft to them for fuccour,and fupply, but firft goe to thepro- rnife,that the promife may fupplywhat youneed, and that the prornife may bleffe what means you have.It is anuncomfortableanddiforderly courfe for a man barely and firfily to looke at thofe things which are within the compaffe of fenfe, and fo range up and dowse for comfort in the Life ofthe means; and the promife, andChrift, are thelaft things thought ofin our hearts; we onely looke to bring in tbisjot that for our comfortand releefe ; as for inftance that every man may take his portion in the timeofpoverty, how Both the foule behave it felfe, and unfit it felfe forthe pro- mife ? Whena man fees thathis eftate islow and he is like tocome tomifery, he faith, I have forte good friends that will not fee mee want, and I have fomuch means yet left,and I have myhealth and ftrength, and I hope I (hall get a Poore li- ving, and there is notone wordofthepromife all this while;but haply death takes awayall friends, and fickneffe takesaway thyhealth and ftrength, and the fire,or theeves, takeaway all thy goods whither wilt thou goe now ? then at a dead lift he is faine to goe to that mercywhich endureth Mmmm for