Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

63 8 The Soule, of /éguaflcalling so Chriff. for ever; hee might have gone thither firit : Therefore now reafon thus,I am like tobe poore, and my friends may die, and the theeves may robmeofall my goods,but the mercyof the Lord endured] for ever. Againe, the Minitter that is faithful' defires to preach fruitfimlly, and to bene- fit the congregation, and thenwee catch at the helps that are neere at hand,and gee toour books and ítudies, our wit and pains, and thinke that thefe will doe the deed ; we doe well in thus do ing, but the fault is in the order of them : haply God knocks off mans wheeles, and a may is not able to come to the bortotne ofthe point; and if he be able to compaffe the truth inTome meafure, yet God blanks all that hee doth, and there is no goodcomes to the foules ofhis people; at lift he is faine togoe to the promife, and then tl--e poore Minuter faith, Lord, thouhaft laid thou wilt bee with thy faithful] Minifters to the end of the world, little ftrengrh is in us, but be thou with tas Lord ; now theworkegoes on againe, the trades- man is honeft, andpainfull, and hehopes tocorn. paffe a good elate by his calling, his ftecke is goodandgreat, and his skill is fufficient, and his pennyworth fhall be as reafonable as any others, andhis acquaintance are many;then God blafteth all there, and at laft hee comes home to the pro- mire, and faith, as it is in Pfal. r. /. whatfeever the righteota loth, it(hallpraier : hold here and fay, I expet all from the promife, goe firít to the promife aaad expe& mercy and fitccoar from the promife. This was the murk that Jacob tooke, Gen.