Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSouks eieEluall calling to Chrifl. Gen. 3 2.9. Firft hee wreffled withGod, and over- came him, and then he wreffled with his brother Efau, and laid), OGodofmyFather Abraham, and Godofmy Father Ifaacke; Lord which faidit unto me, returce unto thy Countrie, and I will dae thee good, I am not worthy of the leaf¢ of all thymercies, Lord delivermefrom the hand ofmybrother Elam, for Ifeare him : Thus he wreffled with the Lord, and by vertue of a promife overcame him, and then overcame E¡ate, Heb. 13. 45. Marriage a honou- rable amongall men, and the bed undefiled, but whore- mongers, and ad. lterers, God will judge ; let your converfationbee without covetoufnej , andbee content with thofe things you hive. But how will you have helpe againft this co- veroufnefì'c ? a manwould have laid thus : you have gottena goad portion, and but little charge, and many friends s but this conrfeCod takes, for he bath laid, I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee : He doth not fay, thou haft much means, and ma ny friends, but I fay, lwill not leave thee, norferrake thee. Now faith is fitted for the work; when I have chafed away doubting, then faith is ready, and the (Meld is fcoured. Secondly, when my heart is calme and :quiet, then faith may goe on, thereis a free [mirage. Thirdly, when the f ile looker out fir II o tlac' promife, and then to thèmeans, this is the right Way that faith timid go: now you may let on in . your journey, faith is c'eered,atrd that i3 the right . andbell way to everlafting happinefl'e, Now I Come to fnew chow wee mutt cdnjero 3.Paralcul. M rn mm z order 639