Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

640 TheSoutes e c,;rnll calling toChrift. How to order order faith in theworke, and here two things are faith io the tobe attendedunto. worke. how the foule should get to the pro- rnifes. Secondly, how the foule Ihould take, receive, and improve this fufficiency and excellency of God, that is in thepromife. For the firft, how to get the foule to thepro- mile, you fee all is ready, and the wayopen, and faith is fitted. Now there are three rules tobee obferved, to (hew how the foule may get to the promife ; or there are was of the foule wherein this truthmay be difcovered, that the foule which doth beleeve, may have the ready way to goe to the promife. r. atle. Renounce all power and ability in thy felfe,for tobeleeve Se to go untoGod, it is a pointofmar- vellous ufe, though a man would not imagine it; thoumain not expeft faith in thy felfe, or of thy felfe, or from thy felfe; any ability to goe to the promife, though thouhail faithash is, Gal.2.2e. Nevertheleffe I live, yet not r, bat Crrijl liveth in me. It isnot I that liveby any power ofmy felfe, but Chrift liveth in nie . Itwas Chrift quickning, and reviving, and inabling him, though he had faith, ter. 10.23.0 Lord tknow that the wayofman is not in hinzfelfe, neither is it in a man todireEE his ownefieps : fodoe thou fay if ever thou wouldit have thy heart fitted to goe to the promife, it is not here Lord, it is not in thisvaine minde, it is not in the power of this deadheart, or any paf: to that .ever I received, whereby I am able to beleeve