The Soule,r effi&ua(l calling toChrift. dK beleeve in thee_; I meane theprincipali of life is . not here, the root o'faith is in thepromife, and from thenceit comes into the foule. As it is with a mariner when the (hip is upon theground in theebbe and lowwater, bee doth not expert to tugge his (hip to the fhore by any power of himtelfe ; it is not in my wifedome that can di- re&mee , and it is not in my weapon that can defend mee ; it is not this humility that can bring my foule downe, it is not here, it is not I Lord , that can reft, pr goe to a pro mile; even all our abilities are at an ebbe, all that we haveor candoe is toempty our felves,and fir our (elves, and to getup the meane waft, that is, in thefoule bee ready for the promife byver- tueof thattobe carriedheaven ward, and Chrift ward ;.take notice of this inyour mete fónles, that the heart would begin at home ; ifa tempta- tioncorne,the heart ofit fifewould overcome it; and ifaduty tobe done,the heart ofit felfe would performe it ; and if oppofirion come, the heart of it felfe would relft it : O remember ; that a man offers an injury againft reafon , fenfe, and , religion, andall. Now thy faith begins towraftle with him,a-ad his dealingsand confcience checks and thou wilt teare thine owne heart out ofthine owne bofome; brethren, this will not doe ir. When a (hip of a hundred tuns is uponground; the mariners may pull and tug their harts out before they cangetit goe:Ogoe thenand fay,it is not I that canbe patient, and put up a wrong, be quietand expe& it not from hence ; let the heart M mm 3 lie