The Sosslet efjréaualdca#ing to Chrift. lie ttill till the windeand tide,and promife come, end that will carry thee. Bring the promife home to thyheart, that the promife maybring thy heart to it W I mean thus; I told you before, that the heart renounceth all abilities of it felfe,as the firft principle, and faith, it is in an impatient heart, it is not here, Lord; down . °, be quiet and {till, goe thou to the pro - mife, and bring that firft to thy foule, and when the promife comes, it will bring thyheart home to it : I will tell you how, you muff goe to the promife, and fay thus, It is not in mine owne power toquicken my felfe,yet Lord,this I know, that there is fufficiencie in the promife to fupply all my wants, and there is authoritìe in the pro- mifè to rule and order mee in all my courfes therefore take the promife, and reaton thus, I conclude that the Lord Jefus Chrift, by the power of his Spirit,is in thepromife undeniably, and undoubtedly, and unfp:akably, accompany- ing in his manner asbee (hall fee fit. This I fay, that the almighty Spirit of Chrift loth really and continually accompany the promife, for the good ofhis,hence it is called the fpirit ofpromife, for there is an Almighty creating worke goes along with the promife, and I reaton thus : that word thatdifcernes the thoughts of the heartsof men, that word muff needs have the Almighty workeofGods Spirit accompanyingofit, fo far asGod bath prorniled it, nOt haply when thou Teeft fit, but whenGod fees fit. Hee loth it asa voluntary workman, therefore thou confidereff that