Thesoule..efeElual Ica/lint toChriot. that there is anAlmighty power, and a fulneffe in the promife : then lay that promife upon thine heart andknow it and conclude it, and looke for vcrtuefrom thence,to draw thy foule to it again. I have feversli paflàges to exprelfe my ;elfe by,that you mayunderhand it : Jacob would not beleeve that lofrph was alive,or if he were alive,hehad but little means, LEZwas poore,Gen. 45.26,27,28,29. but whenhefan, the Chariot.. that Iofephhadfens him, then he beleeved, and laid I have enough, lofeph my fon liveth ; the Chariots lent from lofph to Jacob, broughtiacob to lofëph : fo every beleeving foule is pooreand feeble, and dif.inabled togoe toGod, and to beleeve in theLord Jefiis Chrift; therefore looke thou unto the Chariots of Ifrael firft, and that will convey thee to the promife. As it is with the miller, fiat he pares the mill fitly, and orders all the occafions thereof; and when the hones are fit and laid to goe, yet it will not goe, till the flucebe pulled up, and thewater runs that drives themill : fo the foule is humbled, and lies level! with theLord and his truth, and is content toyeeld tohis conditions, but the fouleofit felfe in it felfecannot goe, it bathnot the principle of going; but let downe the fluceofthepromife,and let that come to thy heart, and it will bring thy foule home to the Lord. The promifemutt come to thee, and make thee come toit : It is nor here Lord, but in the promife, bring that promife, and fet open the (luce, and let the wind blow, and it will convey thee comfortably ; as Luke 19. 9. This day is falvation come to thy houfe,not to the wals of: 643