644 The settles effeEfaall calling to Chrift. of thy houfe, but to the men that are in the houfe : theydidnot come to falvation,but falva- tion cime to them : the Lord fent falvation to falute thehoule ofzachezf..{,and that brought him/ to falvation : this is the foiling of many poore beleevers ; O,fay they, if I could beleeve, then the promife did belong unto me, but I dare not venture upon it : but 1 fayunto thee, whomfol ever thouart, thou fhalt never liveby faith upon theft termes,thou muff firft let the promife come to thee. and then it will carry thee unto it. When the -)romife is thus comehome,and thou feeft the fuficiency andauthorityofit : then all thouhaft todoe is this,in the itreameofthat prc- milebecarried, and in the verrue thereofbe con- veyedhome to the Father; Luke 5.4, The Pro- digail is Paid tobe like a loft fheepe ; marke this, for itconceineth ycu poorecreatures. Thepoore íhrepe is wildered up and downe, now in the mouth of the Lion, and then in the briars, and fornetimes in the pir, The text faith, He leaveth the ninety nine to feekethat that is in cotnparifbn ofwhat careheexprefieth to the loft fhcepe; hee ieaveth a man regenerate, not carelefly, buthee will not expreffe fo great love, as to a poorelof man : and though thoucanft not find the way to Heaven, yet bee will finde thee; lie thou upon the{boulders ofChrist, as in the 5. verfe ofthis Chapter, when thou fndeff thy heart feeble and weake, and thy felfe unableto beleeve, then the Lord jefas Chriff brings the fpirit of grace, and tharcomes to feeke, andJefusChrist will lay that foule 3. Rixle.