Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soulefeffeasallcallängto Chrifi". 645 foule ofthine upon his fhoulders that is, upon the richesof the freeneffèofhis grace : therefore let thy heart bee tranfported by the power of that grace, andby thevertue of that mercie, that God bathmade knowneunto thee for thyeverlaffing good ; when the chariots are come, get thee up into them, the LordJefus. Chrifi is gone up to heaven, and hee hathfènt his chariots forthee; therefore get thee up, and fay, Lord takemeeup with thee,let the Lordconvey thee by the power of his grace : when the mariner hath fea roome enough,hee caresfor no more, ifhee canbut ob- ferve the channell, hee lookes notfo much at his oare,or any thing, fo hecanobferve thechannell, this channellis thefull tide ofthe promife :there- fore lay thy felfe upon thepromife, and fay, Lord in thevertue ofthat grace, and in the powerof that Spirit carry mee, and in the riches of that mercieofthine ; Lord, convey the heart of this Poore (inner, and make mee happy with thy felfe for ever. It is prefumed, that thy faith now is come to a4pis the promife : now the skill is, how hee may take and improve the good of the promife, and re- ceive all the incomes thereof. There are two thingsefpecially obfervable. Firfl, labour to husband the promifes, and to mannage themwifelywhen wee have them for our heft advantage. Secondly, labour to live by the fweerneffe of the promifes fo mannaged: as it is with a man that bath a faire eí}ate, and is left marvellous Nunn well, age.