Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

f TheSoutesefeEtuaa calling toChrift. and moft mendoe ; the fccond worke they doe r_ot know that they know;the Scripture ftith,that the Deviilhimfelferules in the heartsof thechil- drenofdifobedience, that is, hecafts in a feedof erreur and delufion, and corruption into the hearts of wickedmen, and by his delufions they entertaine thofe erreurs, embrace bafe courfes. Nownot one among a thoufand can fay that the Devill doth thus, this is done by vertueof Saran, and yet hedoth not fee it; nay, there isa veile of Satan upon the foule, there is a fed of Satan in the foule, and the foule clofeth with ir, and yet bee apprehends it not ; fo every faithfüll foule is ruledby Gods Spirit, and th° feedofGods Spi- rit is flung intohis mindc, andclofeth therewith, but beecannot d' fcerne the worke of the Spirit working upon him, the one governed by Satan, theother enlightncd by the Spirit, but neithercan apprehend,nor know,what theydccknow in.this krnde. Real. t . Becaufe onely the Spirit of the Lordknowes theLords minde, it is only privie toGods coun- fels, and it onlyunderftands the fecrets of Gods, love, and therefore it onlycan reveale them and communicate them, Math.' 1.27. Now becaufe the holySpirit proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne,he can, nay Jaelothmake knowne the Counfels of both, andfo removes all objeftoris, and cleares all cavils; it isa point of con fiderati- on toyou that are weake ones, fatisfa6tion is by themeanes ofClrift,theSonne layettedowne the price, and Both fuisfe, the Spirit dotai certifie it unto