Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

646 I.Particral i.xulo, 7fie Soaks pee`i`uaKeallt» toChríft. well, if he would have the benefit of his eftare, firft hee muff mannage it, fecondly, hce mat} maintaine him and his out of thegaine of it fo mannaged. Firft,the Lord bath left youwell;and you have wherewithal) to live like men, and like Chriftian men too,yea,an happie life,that you may goPin- ging to your graves, and goe rejoycing up tohea- ven,and you have faith too,only you want fome skill to ufe it, for it is not conceived that you are well ftockt and ftored, but iris required that you fhould husband the promifes well, and injoy themas your owne, and live by the comfort of the promifes, thepromifes areours, and we have them in hand, ifwee can but bring our hearts to approve them aright. Now that wee muff mannage the promifes aright ,two things are mainlyobfervable; though there are many others ready at hand, yet I will in- upon thofe that are moft ufefull for thebene- fit of theworke. Take poffeflîon ofthepromifes, and value that good in the promife as thine, nay, further make it prefent and fubftantiall to thy foule, as the A- poftle faith,Heb. it. 1. nòt only that goodwhich thepromifewill yeeld for theprefent, but eter- nall and everlaf}inggood, which every promife will make thy foule affuredof,if thou haft aheart to improve it aright, andcare tobellow thy fclfe thereupon. The onlyway for a man to thri c is his eftate, is this, heemuff dwell upon his owne meanes,andhave it all inhis owneoccupying : for as