The Seules eifeHaaatd eaing eo thrift. 647 as we ufe to fay, If a man leafe it our, whymay not he get fotnethng, by keepingof it,as another by hiring of it? Ifhe would doe thus ( fay we ) he tuft needs get more than bee Both now : fo it ought to be in our fpirituall efiate, and fo faith will enableus that weemaydoe,not only to take the prefent benefit that the promifewill afford in this life, but the promife is the fubfiance of things hopedfor, and the evidenceofthings not feene : all that glory and happineffe in heaven, not ye..t feene, andnot yet in fruition, faithwill make all that happineffe withinview, and puts us into poffefiìonofthem, and makes them have a being to our foules : faith it is that brings Chriff,and makes Chrifi prefent,and in Chrifi all prefented, all glorie is inChrifi, who is the Au. thourofit and faithmakes all that glory prefent) all happineffe inChrifi, who is the worker of it; and faith makes all chat happineffe robe prefent; fo that by faith laying hold on thy Saviour, not onlyto takecomfort, but tomakeall that happi- neffe and good, that is eternally tobe prefent ; as Lute /2.32. Feare not littleflock; but might they not fay,How that! we chufebut feare,feeing there is nothing but finnes within that deferve pa- aliment , and enemies withot that breath forth rhreatnings ? O but a Saviour faith, Feare not little flock why ? it is your Fathers pleafure to give you a kingdorre; you are not in the king- dome as yet, yet you are in the way to it ; and though you are now in the wilderretfe1, acting to Canaan,yet you fha':l come toCanaan,and fo you Nnnn 2 (hall