Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

648 The Soutes ee£ivaCdcalling to Ghrif}. (hall have a kingdorne; remember that, and fo you thall be comforted and refrethed, liveupon this : when you lor?ke only to the prefent benefit of the promife (it is true) this is more than wee canconceive, yetwee let the better part of our flock and eflate lye by us, for thereare twoparrs of thepromife, the prefent good and peace, and theeternall and everlafling good andcomfort of it; nowwhen we looke only to the prefent good ofit, this is ill husbandry, for wee let the better part of the flocke lye dead by us, and doe not trade with it, as it is in the world for temporall meanes, fo it is for ourfpirituall eflates : for fpi- rituall fuccourand fhpply,though a manhave lit- tie for the prefent, yet ifhee haveform old rever- fionstocome, this beares uphis heart in the time ofpoverty and mifery ; and he faith,if he canbut make afcrarrahling fhift for fo long time,,then fee hopes to live as well as any man in the Country. So that there is nor fotne of thepremife that we have in pofl'eflion,but there is the rever lion ofold rents, as old rents of farmcs, that were let Icing agoe, when the leales come out, theyareworth treble the rent they were let at the ftfi : So there are the old rents of comfort and mercie, a?, Come yee bit ed ofmyFather, inherit the kingdom preparedfor you : then no more teares, nomore trouble,nomore forrow,tomore finne, get thole intoyourhands, andhave there inure, and fay, The day will come, whenwee (hall have happi- ateffe,bliffeand joy, beyondall that thetongue of mancan exprefl'e, or the heart of man conceive, though