TheSoule.r eft:Euall offing to Chrift. 649 thoughwearebuffeted'with many temptations, . andwearied with a worldof corruptions, yet we {hall bee faxed, faith faith. Thus a man may make a pretty good fhift to live upon rhefe termes,thoughwe havenothingelk to live upon in theworld : therefore remember what now 1C fpeake, Labour to faften this truth upon thy heart, that there is not onely prefent good in thy felfe, but in another, andTermed by another for thy comfort ; and be thou content that ir fhould be fo,hot onlyto lookewhat thou haft, but coca- fder, that thegreateft part of thy glory, is in the glory ofa Chrift, and the greaten. part of thy wifdome, is in the wifclameof a Chtift;and thy liberty,in the liberty ofa Chrift;and thy riches,in the riches of a Chrift ; and know, that whatro- ever is inChrift, thouhaft it all as 'thine : lobs 3. r 2. Seh9idwhat love the Path:r bathfloated to ria, that we are now the Sorne,r ofGod ; I tell you bre- thren,this isa marvellous privilege,wnd ifyou had no more but this, you had achildes portion : but itappeares notwhat we fhalthave, we have but a glimfe now, what will the harveft be ? and now we have only fame fips of ir, what fhall then the full cup be,when wefhall fee Chrift as he is ? thus Mofes did improvehis eftate,Heb. s t . 2 6. he bare all afidionscomfortably, yea, he efteemed the rebukes ofChrift greater riches than" the trea- fures of Egypt ; why ? becaufe he had aneye to therecompence ofthe reward; we account of a mans eftate, for what he path for prefent poffe {ten; but what is like tobefall him, andwhat h e Nnnn 3 is