65o Tde,Soulcs efe£tua,:7calling to Chrift. is born eunto,whatMufesdid, doe thou, that thou rrr.tift account the miseryanddisgrace ofa Chrift, greater riches than all the picafures of;heworld: have all thyestate in thyowne hand, if thou wilt be a good husband : as it is with a husbandman, thoughhe have nomoney inhis houle, and little provilion, yet if his ground be well ftockt, and he bathagood crop, this fùpports the heart of a poore husbandman, there is that upon the ground that will pay all his debt, and hee (hall have wherewithall o live like aman too : fo it ought to be with thefe provifions, promifes of life, and fälvation : though thou findeft many wants and corruptions, and many dïfgraces caft upon thee,and thouart c-:ft behindhand for com- fort ; yet remember this, that though there is lit- tle ftrengrh, and little grace here, yet there is enough in the promife and in heaven, which the promife will bring to thee, and that will pay for all 5 though thou art now indifhonour, yet there is honour enough inheaven to rake away all thy dishonour; though now in perfecution and mi- fery, yet there is comfort enough, and liberty in Chrift : let thy foule therefore bee careful] to make all thefe prefent with thee for thy good : this is our folly, wee live meerelyby fns, and lay out the leaft part of the rromifes, whereas if we could live comfortably, we fhould improve all. 2,1 kle. Expe& nothing from the promife, but that which is futable and agreeable to thenature of the promife 5 lay out all, and lay it out to thy beft