Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soudes Taaaa n/Yin/ toChrift- 651 beff advantage, and have thy whole fiocke a go- ing,and fo expe6f nothing from the promife, but that which is finable to it : fay not with thy felfe then,had I that power,and that honour,and thofe abilities to doe duties, and thofe meanes outward for my comfort, which others have in fuperfluitie ; and if God would but give fuch a place, what honour might Ibring toGod, and what comfort might I have tomy foule too; this is more than thepromife will give thee, and this is to wrong the promife, and to fay, as it were in effeef, were God fòwife as I, then things would goe with farm bett r fucceffe a nay, but know that theLordwill not give thy heart content in the promife, but what beeTeeth fit,andwhat may be beft for thy goodand hisglorie,and to looke forkthat in the promife, which is not there tobee had, is all one to throw the promife downe the fireame, thou doeft abufe the promife, and per- vert it ; for that whichis in the promife, is this ; That whichGod Teeth moff fit andneceffarie for thee,that God will give, and that thou maift ex- peá,and nothing elle : it is in this condition fpi- rituall, as it is in a mans efface temporal); hee that will husband a peece s)fland wr it an'i wifely, that is faine to himby free gift, or by an inheri- tance,his courfe is this, hewill obi-aye what befl befits every foile,and what eachpeece ofground will beare, one peece, ofground for meadow, an- other for grazing,anorher for plowing ; if a man fhould goe and plow up his meadowes,andmow his fallowes,we would thinke this manvery igno- rant