Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

theSoviet e f eltiacaine toGhriff. word doth promifi,bur that he may not be fame., times overcome of, and captived byhis corrup- tions, Iknow no Cinch promife 5 the ApofilePaul found it otherwife, Rom. 7. 23. 1finde a lawmum, members;warrinnajaìnf theta oofrny minde ; It is a defoerate part of ill husbandry, fora man to lay out his money fo, that hee [hall not onely not fee his owne, but tole all that he layes our ; it is the only way to undoc him utterly : fo youdoe not onely Iofe the goodofthe promife, and not fee your owne,but you ipi11 the promife,becaufè you haveaconceit to reap that by the nromife,which Godnever intends,neither will he ever befkow. Some may fay,howmaya manexpea that from ueff. thepromife whichGod intends, and will node- viably beflow? For anfwer hereunto, I will fhew what thou Anfri® mail} expea,andwhat God will undoubtedlybe- flow ; if thoudeft beleeve, heaven and falvation is certainly thine, and perfeverance unto theend, and that manner and meafure ofaffifl:ance, that may make thee fit for perfeverance : three three things grow here, and the promife will Beare ; but for temporal! bleffings, which we defire, and the meafureof fpiritaall bleffìngs,which wemuff have, fo much grace, and tò much affurance and aftihn e, and fo much abïliries to doe duties, Goddoth not engage hirn(èife cob: flow three but that which God engagetnl hirntelfe to be- ffow,both for temporali and f riEitualii. bleffings,it may be dtfevvered in t ieA particulars; fo much grace and afliaranreof G-,& love : and fo much oomfort ingrace,ashe f_ _th fi; Ater his owne or- Oc o o cear, 6I3