654 The Souks eEtuall calling to Chrif}. ,Rulea der, and in hisowne time I will open them all, becaufe many doe here bungle wonderfully. Firfl,he will beffow thefe in hisowne otder,not in thyorder; firff,hewill make thee fit;and make thee good, that thou maiff bee able to d geff them,and then he will bellow them on thee;hap. ly a poore man is driven to a defperare hazzard, and is brought miferably under, and therefore theheart cries earneffly for force more fupply, and he cals,and God anfwersnor, and he labours to looke up to the promife, where God faith, no thing fhall be wanting to his, and yet it commeth not,Godwill give thefe in his owne order ; firíf, he will make thee fit for this efface, and thengive it; I never knewa good man defperately poor; but his heart was defperately proud;therefore the. Lord will make himgood, and make his proud heart yeeld,and thenbellow thefe things ; looke for that firfl, and not for theother : againe, ano- ther Chritian labours much for the affüracce of Gods Iove, and cannot attaine it; and feekesto God in theufeof thepromifes, and yet hecannot finde it fetled Godwill give thee comfort and confolation,but inhis owne order;and know this, that commonly the Lord never debars the foule ofcomfort,but he fees that the heart is not fit for it; thy heart would beeproud and careleffe, and God fhould heare no moreof thee, and thy faile woald overrurne the boat therefore when God hathabated thy heart, and made thee content to want what he (hall deny, then hee will give thee affurance, but it muff be in his order; and this is the reafon, why the moll frnoak out theirdayes. in