The Soulet effeRualtcalling to Chrift. in difcontent, thereafon is,there is a proud heart, and a tturdy difpoliition of fpirit, that will not comeuntoGods termes : as it iswith aPhyfitian, he will notgive a cordiali tohis patient whenhee will,for if he wkre ina burning fever, it were the next way to fendhimgoing; firtt he purgeth and makes him fit, and then gives him a cordial! : fo it is in thefe things which thou craveft, theLord will thengive thee thé,when thou {halt not flatlet ofcomfort,and affurance,andprofperity;& when thy heart is emptied and purged, and able to di- geft thefe things, then the Lord will give them. Secondly, the Lord will give temporali blef- 2. Rules fings, and that meafiireof fpirituall in hisowne due time : not when thou and I would, butwhen he fees moff fit:As lohn 2.3,4.The mother of Iefsu comet to our Saviour, they have nowine, faithflee; the thought thee hadChrift at command, but hee anfwers her, Woman what have I to doe with thee ? my heure is not yet come : So it is with our foules, weewant comfort and ftrength againff clrruptï- ons, and affurance and aflïttance : What have I to doe with that proud heart of thine, faith our Saviour ? My time a not yet come 5 you would have it now as they faid, wilt thou now reftore the Kingdome to ¡frael ? God will doe it in his owne time, and wee muff wait his leifure. This is one thing that doth neceffari* ly accompany the covenant of grace (as I have fhewedbefore) that the Lord should difpence ofhis Kingdome when he pleafeth,and notwhen we will, when the Lord Teeth thefe blcflïngs'of fpirituall mercies and temporali favours are ripe, O000 2 and 655