45 6 Thespates ej ki aúcaflïsag toChrift. and m9ft fcafonable to thy neceflitieg then thou ihait have them, but the time is inGods hand. TheLord dohnot pre'miie in fuel] a manner and meafure, and filch a peculiar thing', to give that temporal! Welling, and that fp riruali afii. ftar.ce that wedefire 3 but the Lordwill doe that which heknoweth is molt fit. And the text faith, Feedmewithfeod convenientforme, there was faith; he refers hirnfelfe toGod. When a man comes to the taylers tohavea garment made, hee doth not cutout the garment himfelfe, but refers it to the judgement of theworkman ; fo we mul doe, refer our feives toGod,and knowGod prom ifeth nothing, but as he Teeth it fit for thy good : it may bee thou fhalt not have this bleffiing, or that grace : As it is with a Potter, bee is tnindLd to make fomany vefieis of honour, but it is refereed in the mindeof thePotter, how big he will make every veffil ofhonour : fro ifthe Lord make thee avefíell ofhonour, goe aw:y content(d,whecher thou haft fo much profperity, and fomuch good and grace or no, it skits not, it is enoragh that thou art ele6fed toeternal' happinc ffe : Now you fee how to manmage and improve the prornife aright for your beft- advantage, and to expert from the promife that which it will yeeld. The Icord particular in this third ruleof li- ving by faith is this 5 h( .w to take, and how to enjoy the fap and Tweet of the promi e, and to live by it : when the Husbandman path fowen hisground, andhis trait is rive, andhe hash rea- ped it, thenhemuff gather in his corne, that bee may live upon it : So let us gather in thepromi® fee, 3 Rule.