7heS0uleJ leauaa ca&'iag to Chrift. 657 fes,when we fee the heftadvantage,now letus take thegaine., and live by it,and that comfortably too in the pro; fe ofGods goodneffe therein. For this end, let me fuggeft thefe five rules ord re&ions. Firft, thou feat what God isin the promife, i Diret ion and thou exile&eft no more, than God is there then ; eye that particular good in the promife, which thou ftandeft in meft need of, eye that good in Chrift, and in the promife, and then fet Gads power and faitltfulneffe aworke to bring thatgood, and his wifedome to contrive it. As for inflame, I am in perfecution, and either I would'ahave deliverance and fafety that I might not be imprifcned, or elfe comfort and refrefh. ment, ifthe Lord carry me thither; therefore I would fee all this in the promife, Uì11 referving the conditions before mentioned : If thou art in prifon,eye liberty, and prefervation in Chrift, lie that is the greatdeliverer ofhis people, and car- rieth his people in his hands, and then let Gods power and faithfhineffe aworke that candoe ire and his wifedome that can contrive it for thy good, that which thou feeft and needeft in the promife,thatthe power &wifedome of Godmay eomunicate torhyfoule:this is themeaningofthc. place, Pfulrne37.5.Comr it thy wain!' unto the Lord, truft in bin:,acidhe fhallGrinitto pale 9 root thy ielfe, and lay all rhyweight of all thy occafìons upon the Lord. Therefore the Apoftle faith, 1 Pet. 5.7. Hurle your care upon the Lord, for bee rareshfor you. It isGods proper officeandworke, } e careth for thy foule, therefore lay it ail upon him,andpatover all thy care intohis hands, and b®000 3 fet