The SetdereffEttialdcauinn to Chrift. let his power and faithfulneffe aworke 5 only this is here a little to be fcanned. I fpeake not this, that we fhould take no care at all; but I fay, hang all thy weight and burthen of thy care upon the Lord.The Brewer he tumbles thebarrel! ofbeere and routes ir, but the earth that bearsit; fowhat- foever trouble is in thy care, roule it upon the Lord : That is thus, theweightof a mans occa- fons, lies especially in three things, which a man mutt hurle ofFhitnfelf,, and lay upon theLord : either a man (hall cot beeable to know what hee (hall doe, or what hee is commanded, or elfe fe- condly,he {hall not be able todoe what God°com- mands, andhe knowes; or elfe thirdly, he (hall not finde fucceffe inwhat he loth. It is not a trou ble todoe what wecan, or to imploy our{elves as we are able, but this is the trouble, when the heart faith,I (hall not knowwhatGods miede is, or I thall not doe what I know, or it will not fuc- ceed, or nok is not in my power. Nowwe leave all thefe with God, and meddle not with them, but put them overto the Lord, and meddle with thy owne dutyand worke,and let Godalonewith his ; and fay thouunto theLord,In truth Lord ir isnot inmypower, it is not inmy parts or worke either CO compatie that wifedome that is able to direét my felfè, or to have any power todoe all that is commanded, much lefie to givegood fuc- cefTe; Lord, I will not meddle with that,butleave it to thy Majeftie;if thou in thy powercanfi nor, nor in thy faithfitlnefl'e and goodneffe caret} not for thy Poore helpletie creature, then I amcon- tent, and if thou wilt not be faithful', then Iam content