TheSoule( callingto Chrift. 6j? content to bee miferable, 'and fo thou maifi fop. pole a man that bath promifed toundertake force but-it-wife for a friend,and then in theend it proves fomewhat troublefome, and therefore he wifheth hisfriend to take it againe intohis owne hands, for it is very troublefome : but a man will leave it untofilm and fay, he hash ingaged himfelfe to doe ir, and hee will not look after it, I will not meddle with it anymore : fb what end is is that is in Gods royal! prerogative, leave it withGod, anddoe not meddle with it ; let God looke to ir, leave it to Gods fàithfulneíle and power to ac- compliïh it Sodid Abraham, RoM,t4.18,19, 20, & 2 I. verfes, Abraham above hope, beleevedun= der hope, that he fhouldbe theFatherof manyNati- on(; Sarah( wombe was barren,and his body dead,and yethe mußhave a Tonne; and thereforehe lets Gods, power onworke,.anci faith in the 2 r.verfe ; Lord this bodyis dead, and Sarah is barren?there is no helpe here, but thouart able, ánd thou haft ingaged thyfeife to doe it : he lets Gods power to worke, and puts over all the right and burthen of the care upon the Lord. Hefter 4. 14. Therefore Mordeeay faith, If thou hold thy peace at this time, comfort anddeliverance fhalïcomefrom force otherplace ; hee was refolved that God had deliveranceLot his Church, and wouldnot denyhis owne truth, fai- vation willcome,' faith the text, he knowes not the place, orby what meaty, but he knowes that fai- vation will come. So let thou Gods power and faithfulneflè, to works, and not thy owne care, commit it-to the Lord, and hurle thy careupon him fo faras concernes theburthenof ie Secondly,