Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

66o The Soukseeauatt'raÁtssg toChrífk. a Direfiiorz Secondly, by faithgoe to the promife againc for hope and power to wait upon God in that way, and to looke towards God in the tefeof thole means that bee bath appointed for the attaining refchat goodwhich his power will work for thee God willwol ke it,and lo thoumull meet God in the courfeof his providence,in the improvement of themeans he flab appointed for thygood. Obferve thou his providence, and, doe thou what God requires, for otherwife we live not by faith, but tempt God, and throwaway the pro- mile and all, and deprive our felves ofthat good which God- wouldbellow, unleffe wee walke in that way which he bath appointed, Lake z4, 49, WhenourSaviour was to goe to Heaven,he laid, Behold Ifindt!-e promilè of ny Father amo. jt you, but tarryyou in the eittie ofieruplem, untill you bee hadued withpower front above: Chriftwould endue themwith the Spirit, but they muff tarryat Jeru- falem andwait for it. Solfay, wouldft thou have grace and the fpirit from above, and thewealth of theworld? thLn walke in that waywhich God path appointed, ftayat Jerufalem, and bee in the way, andmeet God in his providence, and then receive from his power and faithfulneffe what thou needeil.Thou wouldff haveGod blefre thee in thy erase, andyet thouwouldit bee idle and careleffe: but this will not doe the deed God would give thee a Welling, but thou art not there to take it; this is,the excellencyof the promfes ofGod, as they require conditions befòre they bellowmercies, fo theymakeus able to b : paì da keys ofthe conditions, andgive the conditions