The Souks eeElualdcallinsg toEhrilt. 6h as for example, Èzech. 36. The Lord in the for- mer part ofthe Chapter promifeth to give many things to them, but how? It muff beebyprayer, and humbling themfelves before him, hee will give a blefling in thy family by prayer in it, and a biding in private, bypraying in private, and ftrength againft finne, and power againft cor- ruption; but I will beefought unto for all there, faith the Lord, and the text faith, Bleffed is the man that walketh inhis integritie, andhischildrenaf- terhim5therefore walke thou in the integrity, that is the conditionofa Chriftian in general!, or as a husband, or asawife, or as a fervant in the par- ticular, this thepromife requires : but marke this now,the famepromife that requires the condition, will help us to performe the conditions, and the fameLord that faith, t willbee intreatedand fought ta,forallthefe,the fame Lordfaith, Pfal. r ®.17. See prepareth their hearts topray ;goe thou therefore to God,to help thee to pray,that he may heflow his l Idlingupon thee,which he bath promifed:Ezech, 2 6. 27. He willfirft give them a new heart, and then teach them to walke inhit gayer ; fo ifthouwilt walk inGods wayes,thoufhairhave his bleflìngs:there- forego thou by the poweroffaith to thepromife ofGod for ftrengthandgrace, and thatthou mutt ufe the means appointed, and thenexpert abief- fing from it in thecourfe ofhis providence : now is Godspowerand faithfulneffe let a worke. , Thirdly, wemuff let itdowne andconclude it, 3. DireEt, that Godwill doe, and wee (hall receive in the wages ofhis providence,whatfoever hebathpro- mifed to give : Chats theworke offaith; and that is to draw lap and verme from the promife, lohn PPPP 3.33.