web 462 Thesouksee`uaffcallingco Ghrifi. 3.33. There by leaning, is called fealing to the promife: this is thenature offealing,when a man bath drawen the articlesofagreement, and when they havefealed, all is done : fo faith nu&make the promife authenticall, and put a Peale to it, that is true,and faith, it is done in heaven, and I am fully refolvcd, and fetledly perfwadedthere- of, that 1 (hall have whatfoever I Lave beleeved, and thouhaft protnifed, and I have tiled tneanes, for in theway ofthy providence;fàmous is that of Abraham, Gen, a 2, 5. the Lordhad bidden him fa- crificc his fonne,and vet hee raid, that hee fhould live : and therefore when hee came to the place, he faid to his fervants,,Abide503 herewith the a ist, for Iand the chille wagee yonder and facriftce, and Tealcome againe toyou ;he thought to facrifice him, andyet by faithhe beleeved, that he (hould bring Ifaac againe. So I would have a poore Saint of God to conclude, when thou findeft thy com- forts like tfaacks,in the afhes,and thy efiatehope- leffe and helpleffe ; yet even then fet Gods power on worke, and wait upon him in the ufe ofthe :manes, that hee hath appointed, and thencon- clude ir, and bring patience, power, and delive- rance,and fo in every kinde, according to all thy neceflît es : yet remember this, weer no more from the promife, than Godwill give in t hepro- mife, but fay, my finnes Ella!' bee mattered one day,and there temptations that! be one day over- throwne, that have fo long annoyed the foule of thy poore fervant, I have begged fuccour agaiuft thefe corruptions within, and thefe temptations withour,and yet it is not; but I know it is done in heaven, it wants nothing but the taking out, thou