Thesoaks e f fel3 catliaab to Chrift. 6.63 thou wilt beftow upon thy fervant what thou feefl fit : z Sam. I. 18. Hannah wept fore, and prayed to theLord, and went away, and was no more forrowfuli,and thePaid, Lord, ï beleeve that I 1hall either have achilde, or that which is as good,orbetter; now the bufineßë was done, but imagine theLord delayes, and lothnot fuddenly accomplifh what hee intends, and thou haft tired wanes CO receive,he gives nor,and grantsnor,and fends not fuccouraccording to thy defire, and the tenureofthe covenant,as thou conceiveff. Then faith muff take up his fund, and flay till 4, Dire. ir thou refolvefl that it will be fo,flay till it be, and flay it our, here is much worke to doe, weprevent GodskindnefP; when wee goeaway before hee bee willing tobellow his kirrdneffeon us : but faith will no doe fo, hee that beleeveth, doth not make hafte; he makes hafle to obey, but bee flayes and refolves that it will be : the vifion is for an appointed time, therefore wait for it : thou art peftered with thy (juries, and haft labou- redby faith to fubdue them,and thyelate is low, and thou haft laboured by faith f)r deliverance, andyet it comes not. and freedomofrom tempta- tions comes not ; therefore flay till God fees fir, and it will come : Pfad. 123. 2. Ai theeyes of afir- vane bake to the hands of bid msfier , and the ryes ofa maiden tPher Saarffreffe, lbour eyes wait jrpn: th Lord our +soei,unri/ahe d..rve mercie"pal u ; not till 1 will, and till I fie fit, and according tomy minde, but untill theLord have merciiie : wee fiidt(e-nly ff:de away from the covenant which the Lord makes with taa, becaufe wee have knot when wee will). therefore we goe away a Sam. 13. I 3. when Sa- p true!