664 Thesouks efeauaacatSing to Chrift . muet tarreied long, and thepeople began to mur- mur, saulwent and offered a burnt offering unto the Lord, and therefore sano/el Paid unto him, Thou haft done foolifhly, and haft not kept the com- mandement of thy God,which he commanded thee,for nowwould theLordhave eftablifbed thy kingo.me up- on ¡Trae!for ever ; Ifcaul had flayed the Lords time, bee would have effablithed the kingdome upon lfraeifor ever;, but he prevented theLords kindnefFe, and offered facrifice unfeafonably and finfully : fo it is many timeswith a proud,pettifh, rafh,and diftempered heart, ifwe have notwhat we would, and juft whenwe would, then wee are all aniort,andmurmur,and fay, Why fbould wee wait any longer ? thou haft done foolifhly, haft thou prayedand looked to thepromife thus long, and wilt thou now give over -? the Lord would have comforted thee,hadfl thou gone on; but the Lord bath withdrawnhimfelfe from thee,becaufe thou haft withdrawn thyheart from the promife: when the carriage is heavie, and theway is dead, there are many fore puts, and the wagon is at a ftand,and ifa man. fhould then goe away, then all his worke were loft; therefore flay thou till the Lord Phew mercy ; thus long thou haft called, and fought,and looked to the promife,and waited upon the Lord, and attendedupon the freeneffe ofhis grace, once more would havedone it, thy heart was almoft humbled, and thy finne was al- moft conquered ; O thou filly foole, why didft not thouhold it out?it wit coneat laft,my life for thine : now take heedof this, ifthe time fume tedious,and thy heartbegins to fink,and thy fpirit ís weary,take heed of flyingoff take heedoffhif