TheSettles efeatoall calling to Chrift. tingfor thy owne comfort, and looking to bate ends and aimes : no,hold thyminde to, and keep thyeye offaith upon thepromife,and flay itout, till God fee the tìrne fit, and know it is the belt time for thee toreceive It :Ab r a7.3 r. Paul faith, Except theft abide in the fhip,you cannot be /afe ;eve- ry manwas (hipping over bord to fave himfclfe, but Paul flayed them; aman would have thought otherwife, but the Apoftle knew it wasnot fo,for the Lord had revealed it unto him : fo I fay, be thy temptationsnever fo ftrong, and thy firmes never fomany,and thou beginnefi to complaine, and fai(t,I havecryed,Lord,and fought earnefily, and yet my condition is worfe, and my foule more finfull, and I am lefi'e able tohelpemy felfe, there is no more fuccour to bee expe&ed : iow take heed ofgoing out of.the (hip, and from the ufeof the meanes, keepe in the fhip, for in the fhip you (hall be Cafe; keepe in the promife, and (Till your hearts there, you (hall have ahappiear- rivall at heaven ; though it bee upon a broken board,its no matter, nay Gods time. Yet haply theLord feemes fometimes not on- 5.DireET. ly to delay his poore fervants, and to withhold hisfavour ; but he feemes to frowne, and fay, he will notheare and hee feemes tobe angrie with the prayers ofhis fervants, andwith their impor- tunitie,andhe feemes, asif hewouldnot fuccour and fupply : thus he dealt with Iacob,Ges.3 2. a6. there the Lord faith, Let megoe ; I care not what becomes of thee, I leave thee to thy felfe ; but Jacob layes hold upon hirn,and wouldnot let him goe to the laft workeof faith is this ; In anholy hum; title to labour tocon 4dwith God, andby p... itrop