TheSouks eeauallcaUing toChrift. ftrong hand toovercome theLord, for the Lord loves to be overcome thus : bee not fancie with the Lord,but in the fenfe ofthy owne bafeneffe, as it were : catch the Lord Jefiis, and ftrive with him,leave not till thouhaftthole comforts which he bathpromifed, and thou haft begged : this is the glory and viEtorie of the triumphof faith, that gives the day to, and layesdowne thewea- pons, and yeelds hi;nfelfe as conquered: as it was lacob, when God lawhecould not prevaile, he Paid in the 2 8 o verfe, riy name fhati be no more called Jacob, but Ifrael, becaufe thou h.:l prevailed with God;God is ready togive what hebath pro- mifed,but he will have us trie cnafteriewith hint; Godovercomes himfelfe,and we by faith in God overcomeGod ; as 1am.2, t 3. Merck triumphs over juflice : Lord, faith my (.plc, why fhould f not have that merde, fupply, and fuccour ? faith ju- Rice; thou art a finfall wretch, and thou haft wronged me;faith anger,rhou hail defe ïved to be plagued, and thou (halt rather bee corrected by me. Now faith layes hold upon the riches ofthe freeneffeofGods merciein Cicrifi, and in him ¡o- ffice- is fatisfied, and anger appeafed for all, and nowmerde is purchafed, and mercie triumpheth over juftice, and faith layes hold upon,and over- comes God bimfelfe ( as I m ty fay ) with an -holy, humble bafenefíe of heart. You knowwhat the Lord did to the woman ofCanaan,when treehad driven with himagreat while, and would ttke nom deniall,at laic hefairhp woman, great is thv fÉtith, be it unto thee evenat thou wilt; ake what thouwilt,if thouwilt have life for thy child,8t peace gur Aline own confcience,and f v in theholy Ghoft,t=ke"ir,