n-- -'+-------'_' The Souks cifeEl:tali caging to Chrift. 667 for it isall thine.: he(as it were)turnes her look to all her treafirry;iffhe had gone away at the firft or feconddeniall,fhe had found no help;but becaufe Thee held out,fhee had all herhearts defire : God would haveus wrafile with hisMajeflie, that bee maybeovercome in mercie and goodnes.I might here have taken fomeofthe moft defperate cafes that couldbe,that you might havePeen what faith would havedone in the midi: ofthe want of all meanes, and in the greateft extremity that could have befalne a poore firmer, but I will not Rand about it now at this time:now therefore confider what hash been faid,lay there things up., and have them ever byypu,and praecifethem,and by often writing learn to svrite,and byoften livinglearn to live : manypeople live poorly, andmakea poore fhift togo toheaven;but Iwould not havea Chri- ftian to livefo,but be the mafterof his art; know and fee your way,andufe the meanes, and labour toget good thereby, that youmayhave rap and fweeto'4the promifes,and goe finging,and rejoy- cing,&triumphingupto heaven.Now that which Iconcludew.ithall,isdab; youfeehow far theLord hathbrought uá,how the foulehath beene prepa- red,and cut offfrom fin and himfelfe, iffitted for the Lord Terns by contrition and humiliation, and that the foule comes to fee, that there is no hope in thecreatures, nor any fuccour haheaven, but the LordJefus Chrift,and Co at laft the firmer comes, and lies at the foot.ftoole of the LordJe- has Chrift,andknower that either he muff he an- other man, or a damned man : nowwhen he fees thanprayer, and allother meanes will nor profit, and the powerofthe rnea, r yet prevailenot,and tl~e