Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

668 The soulef ejleEluadcalling, to Chrift. thepower ofhis corruptions is not yet mattered, thenhe looks up to Chrift, and is contented,rhat he fhould doe what he will withhim : nowwhen theLord JcfusChrifr feeshim lie wearied thus with hiscorruptions,then theLordgives fpeciall notice tohisfoule, that it is his purpofe todo himgood, and there is mercie for that broken heartofhis with that hope is ftirred,and faith,is it poilîble? is it credible? shall all this wretchednefre ofmine be pardoned?defïre is kindled,and longs for that day; Othat I might once fee the funerállöfall my fns; and then love & joy arecheared toenterraine this rnercie,and faith,O how is the foulebound to the God that offers free,& undefervecitgracema flub- borne jáebellious hearted fanner ; at laft the will faith Amen to thepromile,and faith,O that mer- cìe Iwill have;thus, rhefoule is come home toGod byvocation; now the prodigal! is come home to his father, and the fathersheart leaps within his breft,whenhe fees ,him lie at the dcore :and as the father rejoyceth,lo the Angels in heaven rejoyce, and all the faithfidi fhould rejoyce, and fay, Omy husband,Omy father, or;mychild is comehome againe ; and mywife that was a fnfull woman, is cotnehomeagaine to he r firfr and heft hu<,ba d; you that have found it thus in your fclvesbe com- forted;you that know it inothers,rejoyce: thus we have heard,how the foulis ;ngraftedinto the flock Chrifr. Nowafterward if the Lord lend life and liberty, we thall come to thewwhat the foule re- ceives from the frock:confider what I have laid and the Lordgive you underLtan- ding. F gfe