Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

96 Thesaules efeftuafïcal1ing toChrift, ning of the piomife ro themfelves, they cofen their foules, and never have any particu!ar evi. dente of the truth of it to their foules by the worke ofthe Spirit ; there is haply anexpc&arion among the prrloners inNewgare,t11 at there wil be apardon come cut at the end of the Parliament, and forcemanpafieth by and faith, there is a par- don for Newgate : The prifoners that heare this, it makes them rejoyce 5 but when the Parliament comes out,there is a pardon only forfetch perlons, for filch fats, of filch a quality and nature, and fo haply he that rejoyced fomuch in the confidera- tftanofapardon,hath nothing todot with it;now the general! heare -fay will doenogood, but the particul revidence : fo-it is betweenea cunning Hypocrite and achildeof God, when an Hypo- crite bathbec nedriven toextreme horrour forh:s fins, thenhe lookesout formercy,hisheart is ter- rified and his fouleperplexed, and he heares there isabundance ofmercy inChrift, andChrift came to fave tanners; the Hypocrite is delighted with this in thegeneral!, this,isonly overly, and corn- mon,he over.hearesa promife, and foquietshim- felfe therein; but when it comes to the triall, God came to fave finners, but what finners ? humble broken hearted finners : But the Hypocrite isnot fuck an one, thereforeit belongs not to h'm. 2. Dip. Thefecond difference ofthe Spirit is fuch,that it can hardly be rafed out ofthe foule, the tefti-- mony ofthe Spirit, brought home to the foule, cannot bee taken away, for when the Spirit witneífeth to the foule, it leaves the light upon the