Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

TheSoaks effet!nail aiIing toChrift. 97 the mindeofanhumbled finner,thatwill never be plucked off, but bee will turne his eye towards it while the world kits. This evidence that is broughthome,and call in by the Spirit, it is foun- expec`ted , and fo pleating, and fo incomparably ftrong, and wonderful!, and withall fo uncon- ceiveable excellent, that an humbled firmerwhen oncehe fees the glimpfe and inckling thereof, it will ever be prying and looking that way, nay, . in the matt defperate difcouragements that can befall, and in the greateft defertions that can be- tide the foule; nay,notwithftandirg all thofe fub- tiltiesof' temptat .ons that.Satanhurries into the foule, to make a manat a Joffe, and tomake hint leave lookingafter the freeneffe ofgrace in Chrift: yetthe poore foule will ever be lingring,after this Light; lookeas it is witha great torch, carry it . out ofone roome into another by-roome, and though the torchbe gone, yet itwill leave filch a glimmering fo that amart may follow the torch : foit is with the foule,trulvhumbled, 't bath recei- ved the teítimonyofthe Spirit,though the torch, the glory ofthe teft'mony ofthis witneffe goeth afide a little in temptation, yet the Lord leaves fach akindof glimmeringor inklingofgoodnes,_ that the foule looks after the lampe Sc light in this . kinde, andfolloweth it forever, Iona!) 2.4. Jonah was there ftubborne with theLord,he was Pent to Ninive,he goes to.Tarfbilb:wel,God fends awhiríe- wind after him, and toffeth him intothe fea, and ferst alloa great 'Whale, an unrulyferry-man, to carry him to land : Nowbeing in thebellyofthe N 3. Whale