Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

too The Soule;efec unll thrift. +Dier. dienceof truth: the Lord lets in a commanding power, and turnes the heart from fn, and makes it yeeld to theobedience of God. \A hereas the light ofthe byfoerite is like lightning in the eve- ning, a flaíh and away,and leaves no heat behinde it: The Swine cloth not only give light, but it leaves a heat behind ir; fo it is with the Spirit of God, when the funthine of' the heavenly light comes into thehart, it leaves aheat of holy affe- nionsbehinde it, framing and difpofing the heart ofa man tobe t the call and command of Cod. Obferve when wee lay forth arguments before men, and convince their confciences, that their courfe is nought notw thnanding,whatfoever we canfpeake t ey returne to their wicked fpeeches, and balepra&ices, their lives are as wicked, their tonguesas prophaneasever ; but when the Spirit of Godwill take thofe arguments we propound out of Scripture, and make knowne thofe trou- bles to the und.2r;anding, it communicates unto thee and them that power to the foule, that it comes to bedifpofed thereunto. The teftimony of the Spirit goes upon,very good ground, it is a wife Spirit, and a Spirit of truth, and thereforegoes wifely toworke. Now Hypocrites they beareup theirhearts with admi- rable evidence ofGods love, but asi e themwhat reafons they have for it,whar arguments tomain- taine ir, theyhave nothing at all to lay; this in undoubted argumentofa befotted, befooled hy- pocrite. Come to your ancient people, and en- quireof them in the timeof theirfickneffe, aske them