Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

36 The Soule: leamallcalling toChriff. 4. tefli- be ufefull for thecleere explicationof theText. onr. Firf}, what the lefion is that amanmutt learnt r. beforehecome. 2. Secondly, why theFather isPaid to teach, and not theSonne,nor the holy Ghoft. 3. Thirdly, what is the manner how the Father doch teach the foule, when he will call it home to himfelfc. 4. Fourthly, what is the frame anddifpolitionof the foule,how doch the heart behave it felfewhen it hath in truth learned the leflon. When theLord will propound unto, and learne the foulesofhis that belong tohim,youmuff net thinke the truth tedious, becaufe they will give us light into all the truth that fhall bee hereafter difcufFed out of the word. 425ei. I. He that bath heard and learnedofthe Father, what is thelefíon that he mull learne before hee cancome ? that after he hath learned this lefïon he may be able to fee the path of falvation as pro- pounded to him, foalfo wereat hand, that hee might walk therein, and receive comfort thereby. .4nfrr. For anfwer hereunto, the leffon that the foule muff learne, is this, namely, the fulnefíe of the mercy, and grace, and falvation that God the Fa.. ther bath provided, and alto offered to thepoore humbled firmer, in and through the Lo. d jefus Chrifl, which in deed is able to doe that for a poore tanner, which all the meanes and things in the world could not doe,and yetnotwithffanding he needs. I have heretofore difcuf ed thepoore miferableplight whicha tanner bath br: ught him: felfe