Hooker - BT780 H7 1637

The Soule.reeiluaflcafling so Chrift 109 pompous Cardinals, thefe were never humbled. How doe I conclude this ? why thus ; if Gods fpi- rit onely give notice ofthis favor to the humble, then all other, bee their parts what they will bee, God Both r,ot informe them : the humble are informed, they not inttruóted ; therefore the other know not what they cannot conceive. As fuppofe one dull blocke, and a quicke wit, are both fet to one trade, yet if the dullard had an expert matter, and did beat into him the skill ofthe trade, and thequicke fpirit was witha matter that couldnot teach him his trade; wee fee that the dull blocke is more wife in his trade than the other : fo it is here, theyhave the Lord for their mailer. To thew us the certainty of the affurance of Pte 4. faith, ifthe fpirit of Godgives notice, andcerti- fie a thing, it mull needsbecertaine : and hence it is, that the affurance of faithmutt needsbee in- fallible and undeniable, in thofe that have it. I ground it thus; That whichcommethfrom theno- tice ofthe fpirit, is moil undeniable; but the af- furance thereofcommeth from thenotice ofthe fpirit, that faith is mot} undeniable; hence corn- meth thofe triumphs : 1know myRedeem(' liveth, 1am perfwaded that neither heiht,nordepth, &r. Jbaá be able to feparate mefrom the loveofGod in chrift. The worke ofGod upon the underflanding, we have fpoken ofat large; nowwee come to the worke ofGod upon the aff lions : as the under- ftanding apprehendeth the truthof thepromife; fo theheart looketh at the goodnetfeof the pro- p wife :